Painting miniature faces

I’ve been painting miniatures for a year and it was about time I learnt how to do eyes.

The method I have found (to which at this point is my first attempt so this will probably change later) is:

Base coat of Abbadon Black
A coat of Bugman’s Glow
A coat of Cadian Fleshtone
Shade with Reikland Fleshshade
Black for the eye balls and then white on the pupils.
Add the pupil’s and tidy up the black using Cadian Fleshtone
Highlight the flesh using Kislev Flesh. Paint the metal areas using Leadbelcher paint the hair using Dawnstone.
Apply Nuln Oil over the metal areas and hair. Now your head is ready to be added to the body.
I need more practise at the time of this writing.



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